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Fluid Bed Dryer

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Fresh air is drawn in by means of a fan. The air is then passed through a filter and heated to produce warm air by use of electric heaters. If the product contains a solvent or inflammable substances, the dryer must be operated using steam and provided with a flame-proof motor. The heated air passes through the product container which has diffuser plates and a sieve. Due to the stream of air, the wet product gets fluidised. The material gets surrounded by the hot air and gets dried due to heat transfer. Moist air passes through a filter bag and an exhaust duct. The Fluid Bed Dryer is not suitable for drying of liquids or pastes.


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Air Tray Dryer, Bottom Discharge Centrifuge Machine, Centrifuge Chemical Plant, Centrifuges Industrial, Chemical Centrifuge Machine, Colloidal Mill, Dome Open Machine With Lifting Bag, Filtration Centrifuge Machine, Fluid Bed Dryer, Four Point Suspended Centrifuge, Four Point Suspended Lifting Bag Type Centrifuge, Halar Coated Centrifuge Machines, Hydro Extractor, Laboratory Centrifuge Machine, Lifting Bag Type Centrifuge, Manual Discharge Centrifuge Machine, Manual Top Discharge Machines, Mass Mixer, Multi Mill, Multi Point Full Body Bottom Cake Discharge, Octagonal Blender, Pharma Centrifuges Machine, Products, Ribbon Blender, Rotocone Vacuum Dryer, Sparkler Filter Press, Table Top Scale Centrifuge Machine, Three Point Lifting Bag Centrifuge Machine, Top Discharge Centrifuge Machine, Universal Pilot Scale Centrifuge Machine, Vacuum Dryer, Vibro Shifter